How To Best Use Your Branding Photos

In today’s digital age, personal branding has become more important than ever. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional, or a creative, your personal brand tells a story about who you are and what you stand for. Your headshot is a vital component of this brand, but branding photos’ potential goes far beyond just adorning your business card. Let’s explore some creative ways that you can use your photos to elevate your brand, and look at some examples from a few of my clients!

Social Media

One of the best ways to use your branding photos is for your social media profiles. I love seeing posts and profile photo updates from my clients who do this really well. They have taken their photos and used them for numerous graphics, and campaigns to post on social media, and do it regularly! Having consistency in photos across your platforms builds brand recognition, making it easier for people to identify and connect with you. Using similar photos with slight variations also helps to maintain a cohesive look.

Websites and Brochures

Another great way to showcase your branding photos is on your website and using them for brochures and other printed marketing pieces. Having consistent branding and photos on your website is so important to ensure your brand comes across as professional. It’s also smart to use these photos in various paper materials that you might be giving out to potential clients. When they see that what you’re giving them is consistent with your website, it builds trust and confidence. There are many types of branding photos that work great for websites and brochures - Behind the scenes, company at work, client interaction, group shots, about you/family shots, and showing a win for the client.

Larger Than Life

Branding photos don’t just have to be used digitally or on a small scale. Dream big with the possibilities for your branding photos. You could use them for car wraps, life-size cutouts, billboards, or even for decoration at your office. Having your photos used for something bigger is a great way to catch the attention of your potential clients.

The Possibilities are Endless

There are so many other creative ways to use your branding photos. Whether you’re an author and need a new book cover photo, or you’re a realtor and need a photo for a for sale sign. It’s a great opportunity to have a photo handy for things like podcast features, magazine covers, blog posts, being presented with an award, or being a presenter at a conference or a trade show. Make sure your portfolio is stocked with photos for every possible occasion.


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